The graphite electrode is utilized in refining steel in Electric Arc Furnace, Ladle Refining Furnace, as well as it can be useful in smelting processes.
In general, Graphite electrodes are also in three different consumption categories such as:
Regular Power (RP): 3.8 to 4.0 kg / MT
High Power (HP): HP 2.0-3.0 kg/ MT
Ultra-High Power (UHP): UHP 0.8-1.0 Kg / MT

We supply Graphite Electrode and related products. Also, we focus on Quality, Equality and Stability. Our Graphite Electrodes are ranks from 200 to 700mm at RP/HP/UHP Grades. We are dedicated to Environmental Protection Standard.

We are always closely working with all our customers and other partners and try to deliver satisfying product and service to you.